High Risk Response

High Risk Response


Maintaining the capacity and capability to deal with crisis requires the consistent input of valuable resources. As the gap between incidents lengthen and economic pressure bites, organisations may start to abandon programmes dedicated to defending against unpleasant risks. The potential consequence is operational failure; loss of public/customer confidence and organisational catastrophe.

Even in the best equipped and prepared organisations the unexpected happens. Eminent reinvigorates your approach to special risks. We provide bespoke consultancy services tailored directly to the needs of individuals and businesses, including assessment of organisational vulnerability; drafting operating policies and procedures; conducting planned crisis exercises and managed testing of staff and procedures.

The Eminent management team have been called upon to assist in many high-risk jurisdictions concerning the safety of employees or extraction when required. This has recently included high risk areas of The Middle East.

High Risk Response

High Risk ResponseRecent events reported in the news, once again raise the subject of violent kidnaps in what are commonly being viewed as safe locations to visit, without the necessary
protection being considered fully and relevant measures put into place.

It should never be underestimated how quickly things can change in certain areas of the world and the essential planning that’s required to ensure the safety of employees or family. In a modern world where travel is both easy and cost effective, the temptation of adventure can sometimes cloud judgement and lead to poor decisions being made.

Any planning for Extortion, Blackmail and Kidnap for Ransom response or prevention often begins with a specialist contingency risks insurance policy. Policies are issued on an indemnity basis and can only be sold by specialist brokers to businesses, organisations and individuals. Policies can be tailored to specific requirements which cover employees, wealth owners, their spouses, extended family and guests.

Coverage can encompass Extortion, Blackmail, Kidnap, Cyber Attacks, Piracy, Business Interruption, Illegal Detention and variety of associated costs. The level of coverage can vary significantly and will also depend on the current risk associated to any specific travel location you may be visiting. Your policy may also require pre-authorisation prior to certain locations being visited.

Insurance companies often use the services of specialist response teams, to provide immediate advice and a collaborative response. The response team, which always works on behalf of the client and not the insurer, employ experienced advisors to manage any incident. Utilising this type of advisor will help safely resolve these types of critical incidents.

Eminent Crisis Management Group provides its own on-call team, that can manage any threat mitigation. Response services are also available to clients who, for a variety of reasons may not wish to operate a specialist contingency risk insurance policy. In the coming weeks, the company will be moving to a new location with 24-hour support facilities. To find out how our team can help you, please contact us to discuss in greater detail.