Cryptocurrency Tracking and Monitoring



What makes cryptocurrency so intriguing is its potential. In 2010 the value of a single bitcoin was $.08 (USD). Today it fluctuates between $55,000 – $60,000 (USD). Though the industry is in its infancy, cryptocurrency is becoming normalized, and quite rapidly.

Research shows that digital assets are becoming more widely accepted and the preferred currency of choice.

  • In November 2021, a $29 million (USD) New York City property was put on the market – only bitcoin will be accepted as payment.1
  • Some of the highest-paid professional athletes are compensated partially or wholly in cryptocurrency.2
  • Globally, between Q3 2019 and Q2 2021, adoption of cryptocurrency grew by more than 2,300% and more than 881% in the last year, according to Chainalysis’ “2021 Geography of Cryptocurrency Report.”3

Another point of intrigue in cryptocurrency, at least for some, is the perception of anonymity and its absence of centralized oversight, which allows illicit activity to go unchecked. Given the size of cryptocurrency market – valued at more than $3 trillion (USD) globally in November 20214 – there’s plenty of incentive for fraud and corruption by bad actors.

Fortunately, there are ways to track the bad actors and the muddied digital assets. Eminent Crisis Management Group Limited can track, trace, and monitor criminal activity and illicit cryptocurrency activities.

Our team of certified cryptocurrency investigators can track Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, ERC20 and thousands of tokens across addresses, wallets, transactions and entities to gather evidence for the legal, accounting and finance communities.

Additionally, our cryptocurrency monitoring services can be supported by our existing capabilities in completing high quality due diligence.

Clearly, bitcoin is no longer just for those who troll the Dark Web.